讲演者: Professor Seppo Honkanen, Helsinki University of Technology
主题: Overview of the Research in the Photonics Group of Aalto niversity
时间: 1月12日(星期二)下午1:30
地点: 延长校区行健楼1018会议室
联系人: 孙晓岚
电话: 56333123
承办: 通信与信息工程学院
In this presentation the research activities in the Photonics Group of Aalto University will be summarized. Our research focuses on specialty fibers and planar nanophotonics on glass and Si.
On specialty fibers, the photodarkening effect in ytterbium-doped fibers will be discussed. Photodarkening degrades the high-power fiber laser performance. Our recent results on studies of the photodarkening effect in commercially available cladding-pumped ytterbium-doped fibers will be presented.
On planar Si-nanophotonics our recent theoretical and experimental results on Si-slot waveguides will be presented. In our approach we combine the Si-nanophotonics platform with atomic layer deposition (ALD). Our target applications are in all-optical signal processing devices.
In our glass based nanophotonics we focus on silver nanoparticles embedded in glass, e.g., for biomedical applications. Nanoparticles can be formed in a glass of high optical quality and have potential to be integrated with optical waveguides for a sensor chip.
Seppo Honkanen received his PhD in 1988 from Helsinki University of Technology. During 1989-1995 he was with Nokia Research Center. During 1995-2006 he was with the College of Optical Sciences in Tucson, Arizona. He also served as a vice president at NP Photonics, a fiber laser company that he co-founded in 1998. In 2007 he joined Helsinki University of Technology (presently a part of Aalto University) as a Finland Distinguished Professor and started the Photonics Group. His main research interests are in fiber optics and photonic integrated circuits. He has published some 100 articles in peer-reviewed international journals.
Veli-Matti Airaksinen Currently ,He is Docter At Helsinki University of Technology,and received in Teknillinen korkeakoulu-Tekniska hogskolan and The University of Glasgow.
主题: Existing and emerging possibilities for industrial Atomic Layer Deposition
时间: 1月12日(星期二)下午1:30
地点: 延长校区行健楼1018会议室
电话: 56333123
承办: 通信与信息工程学院
ALD is a mature technology and has many unique features, which make it an attractive thin film preparation technique for many industrial applications. ALD has mainly been used in semiconductor and TFEL display industry, but its possibility to produce pin-hole free and highly conformal thin film coatings even on complex shaped objects is often highly appreciated also by other industries. The material selection is very wide, including numerous oxide and nitride materials as well as combinations and multi-layer structures of these materials.
More and more applications can be 'enabled by ALD' in the future. In addition to silicon substrates, applications based on metal, glass and plastic substrates are emerging. Different substrate materials affect also the ALD deposition mechanism and film quality.
In this presentation we discuss emerging application areas where ALD has been recently utilized. Examples of these new applications outside semiconductor industry include photovoltaics, diffusion barriers, wear resistant materials and optical coatings aiming to improve competitiveness of existing products and creating new opportunities for ALD.